Big Run Landfill Stream Restoration Project
The Big Run Stream Restoration Project is a stream mitigation project funded by EnviroSolutions, Inc. (ESI). Approximately, 3,000 feet of Williams Creek was mitigated for the expansion of ESI's landfill capabilities. The project includes in-stream construction to produce proper pool/riffle combinations, bank stabilization and grade control through a combination of rock and log structures, floodplain access and a riparian corridor. The structures located in the bends of the pools are log j-hook and rock j-hook structures to provide bank stabilization and aquatic habitat. Rock cross vanes are located at various riffle locations to provide proper grade control along with stream bank stabilization through the in-stream reach of the project. Approximately 45,000 cubic yards of material was excavated to allow for floodplain access by removing a berm that was located on Williams Creek. A mixture of native riparian grasses, trees and shrubs have been place throughout the riparian corridor. Four major highlights include: -In-stream structures to provide bank stabilization, grade control, aquatic habitat and channel geometry including pool/riffle spacing. -Excavation of a bankfull bench and floodplain to allow an increase in water storage during major events. -Establish a riparian corridor with native grasses, shrubs and trees for wildlife habitat. -Re-location of 400' of Williams Creek to provide proper channel geometry including pool/riffle spacing.. Here are some pictures before and during construction. Project is complete! Check back for completion photos coming soon! |
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- Sycamore State Park
- Macedonia Christian Church Amphitheater
- Setters Ridge
- Howdershelt Run
- Mud Creek
- Center Point
- Glades Farm
- Kanawha Sapsucker Run
- Old Trace
- Myers Station
- Rogers Gap
- East Fork Indian Creek
- US 68 (Mitchell Run)
- Salt Lick
- Big Run
- Burrough's Hollow
- East Fork Little Sandy #4
- Glenn's Creek
- Left Fork Trace Creek
- Unnamed Tributary to Lancassange
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